Friday, June 5, 2009

Iran Signals Openness to Nuclear Compromise

The politicians may have their democratic elections with their public debates, and the winner can be president. But leading Iran…that is a different matter. And nuclear policy in Iran is not just “very complicated” but a “forbidden area.” In other words, it is too sensitive to be placed in the hands of mere politicians, especially the type of politician who engages in "Rabble-rousing, psywar and leveling accusations against high-ranking officials cannot buy people's vote.”

Stay on the Cairo high road, Obama. The Iranian media has just informed you (in English) that the compromise nuclear accord Iran signed with the EU in 2003 was supported by Khamenei – not by a mere president but by the leader. The Iranian press report also reminds us that “the deal committed Iran to signing the Additional Protocol and a temporary enrichment halt.” The Iranian media report continues with this explicit summary:

Rowhani says Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei supported the agreement and described it as "an appropriate political move".

In his press conference, Rowhani reiterated his stance, saying the agreement foiled an attempt by the White House to isolate Iran at a time when Israeli lobbies were whipping up for global support for a military attack on Iran over its nuclear program.

Khamenei’s reaction to your speech, Obama, was, “I’m from Missouri; show me.” And now he appears to have laid out the approach for you to follow. It seems unlikely that a former nuclear negotiator who now “represents” Khamenei would have interjected himself into the political campaign in this way without Khamenei’s clearance. This message lays the groundwork for Iranian compromise, provided, needless to say, that the West makes a fair bargain and then keeps the bargain.

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